Friday, March 16, 2007

Disappointed and Annoyed.

I expect more from people i considered friends. Unfortunately a few of them are a let down. Friendship doesnt work one-way but two-way. As friends, both of us need to make an effort to be there for each other. Friends need to make time for friends. Perhap those people that i thought were my friends werent.

Sometime the anger in me get to me and i feel like taking it out on someone. Someone i dont care about. Unfortunately i cant do it on my friends or people i considered friends. Anyway i dont get mad at someone for more than a few hours or at most a day.

At work, i get annoyed by some of the voices that got through to me. I dont know why but it just get to me. I often roll my eyes when i first hear them on the phone. I then sound like a prick. This often happened to people that doesnt understand simple English. Sometimes they even put up an attitude when they simply can't express their problem in simple English. I will just keep quiet and then "uhuh..uhuh..what?..uhuh?"


Calm Inside The Storm said...

I think a lot of people surround themselves with many 'associates' - but not real friends. You might think they are, since you hang out together, or do stuff, or meet out or whatever. But it's when these people let you down that you can start to understand which ones are your friends and which are 'associates'. It's those ones which you can then distance yourself, or at least your emotions, from. 'Associates' come and go, but friends are friends, and always will be. xxx

JohnBoy said...


I have to let go of people. Let them come to me! The Secret episode on Oprah was interesting. :)