Monday, January 29, 2007

I could have been Straight!

Although i have been going for training at work, i end up having a blast right at the end of the weekend. It was Australian Day on Friday. I was invited to hang with Stephan and co at Hyde Park during the afternoon. It was a very nice day and everyone was out in the park. Actually i done this 3 years ago on Australian Day but i dont remember it was for this occassion. Couple of hot shirtless straight guys are out and about. Forbidden fruit!

Both Friday and Saturday nights were the usual. Stonewall followed by Midnight Shift. On Saturday night, i was feeling depress after i saw and greeted Michael. I am such an idiot trying to sort out the signal he is sending to me. Does he like me or not? That frustrate me a lot. I decided to call it a night at 1.30am because i dont want my frustration annoy people around me. Sorry, Lance.

I woke up early for an afternoon movie session with Fin. Jessica got me free tickets to see "The Last King of Scotland". I was supposed to bring someone as a date. Michael was not free (maybe he was not keen at all). I asked Fin because we have not done much other than hanging out at Stonewall. He also broke up and got back with his bf on the same day. The movie was great with a few gruesome scenes. I cant stand the scottish accent.

After work, i went to Amanda and Kim's farewell party at Mirian's house at taylor square. They are Stephan's friends. Since they are girls, i got to meet a few straight boys. One in particular, Henrik, a metrosexual Swedish hot guy commented on my belt, shirt, bag, and shoe. It was nice being noticed especially by a straight guy (Maybe he is bi!) I decided to go out with the straight crowd to King Cross since i have not been to a straight venue for a long while. Stephan and me were the only gay boys in the gang.

First stop was the Empire. Then Dragonfly. I was dancing my arse off as usual until a swedish girl hit on me. I told her i am gay. Henrik was impressed that i could have scored her if i am not gay. The quote of the night was "I will go wherever you wanna go". Henrik said that when i asked if he wanna join Stephan at Stonewall. I should have say, how about my place? Wouldnt that make things interesting?

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